Programs & Initiatives

Campus Climate

These initiatives support a welcoming campus climate in which all people are treated with respect. Learn more


The College-MADE (Multicultural Access, Diversity, and Equity) Initiative provides individual colleges with data-driven approaches to increasing representational diversity, improving campus climate, and creating partnerships to effect positive change. Learn more

Diversity Community of Practice (DCoP)

The DCoP is a grassroots community of faculty and staff across who leverage personal and professional expertise to ensure the successful implementation of equity and diversity goals at the University of Minnesota. Learn more

Institute for Diversity, Equity and Advocacy (IDEA)

IDEA is a research initiative that convenes scholars from the University of Minnesota and from around the world to collaborate across disciplines, departments, colleges and campuses. Learn more

Louis Stokes North Star STEM Alliance

The Louis Stokes North Star STEM Alliance is the Minnesota branch of a nationwide program. In addition to funding from NSF, we also receive funding from 3M to support Southeast Asians and the rest of our cohort. LSMAP provides stipends, travel opportunities, research funding, and more to students who join our cohort. Learn more